Manuel, Daniel and Michael, three young musicians in their mid-twenties from Würzburg (Bavaria), used to play loud and tough music. But somehow the emotional thrill was missing for them and, in 2009, they dared skating on the thin ice of Popmusic, earworm-melodies and cheesy harmonies included.
Tending to Huey, named after a song from the 1970’s science-fiction movie “Silent Running”, are not that narrow-minded. They look over the genre-border. For them Pop is not a staked field. Their approach reminds listeners of bands like dEUS or Broken Social Scene and even lets the old roots gleam. They create unusual crossovers and, with eagerness to experiment, richness of ideas and fun, they shape them to impressing compositions.
In 2010 Tending to Huey record the first Album called Beteigeuze – a superbly playful and collage-like pop-mosaic. In 2012 they release their second album Poison Apple, which they are finishing with Christian’s help as a quartet. They are still keeping the nosiness for musical adventures, but a certain ripening can be detected as well.
Tending to Huey are not just worth listening to. Beyond that they are a great liveact, who impresses with concentrated and well-formed sound-depth, two simultaneously played drums, masquerade and costumes.
Manuel Müller: drums, vocals, guitar, keyboards, sampling
Daniel Schmitt: bass, vocals, keyboards, sampling
Michael Sturm: drums
Christian Schmitt: guitar, keyboards
Beteigeuze (2010, CD, self-released)
Poison Apple (2012, CD, djummi-records)
Apple Core EP (2012, free download, djummi-records)
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