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ZEUS LP is the first collection of sounds that were discovered by the Zeus Scientist Research Group, led by physicist Eric Rogers at Princeton University from 1942 until 1971. The twelve sounds which can be heard are in chronological order, dating back to the 19th century, with “I’m Terribly Sorry, Mr. Polkingtone” being the earliest sound that was found. Strange as it seems, ZEUS LP follows musical structures that were completely ahead of its time. How could these sounds be made? Who made them? And why would someone do that?
The Zeus Scientist Research Group soon discovered that they couldn’t find answers to all these questions. The scientists realized that they weren’t able to do so because they were asking the wrong questions. Professor Rogers suggested asking instead when the sounds of Zeus Scientist were made. This led the physicists at Princeton University to a theory that they worked out together with famous mathematician Kurt Gödel in 1948. It would one year later inspire Gödel for his so called “Gödel Metric”.
Now for the first time the sounds of Zeus Scientist are being made available to the public.