Sodalane – Shebeen
Zeus Scientist – I’m Terribly Sorry, Mr. Polkingtone
Turbophob – Drown Some Puppies
Die Flanschies – Aggro Kajaki
Rokotak – Word On The Street
Milu – Cave
Shortcuts – No More Daydreams
P:HON – Congealed Mind
Minus Monster – Herzen
Elektrik Farm – Spin
Artwork: Steffen Koritsch
Download compilation for free (mp3, zip)
Cover (jpg, print version, cmyk)
Releaseinfo (pdf)
Fasten your seatbelt!
Djummix 1 – Crosstown Traffic is presenting 10 great songs, one unlike another, but on the other hand have got at least two things in common: they hit us like a ton of bricks and all of them are made by in Dresden based bands and artists. Some of the artists’ names may be well known for some Dresdners, but we can surely present some real discoveries, too. Furthermore we like to recommend this compilation, named after Djummi Hendrix’ song of the same title from his legendary album “Electric Ladyland”, to all the Non-Dresdners outside of the „valley“.
We start with the one-man-show Sodalane. Listen and marvel. „Experimental rock“ describes the field on which Michel lets off steam – on drums, guitars and bass. Since 2010 he has released 3 EPs. „Shebeen“ is taken from his current album „Poetic Cow Pie“ and sounds like someone’s tumbling your hair for four minutes.
Zeus Scientist is a multimedia experiment. He, she, it finds expression in sound and vision. But who or what it really is seems to remain a secret. Sampling, jazz and elelctronica encounters guitars and subtle soul-vocals on f.i. “I’m Terribly Sorry, Mr. Polkingtone”.
… oh, what a voice! That’s what you would say dealing with Turbophob as well, but their music leads to different places. With a small amount of ingredients this duo is powerful and rough, all they need is bass, loops, drums, samples and vocals. Besides, „Drown Some Puppies“ from their latest album surprises with a strange fusion-charm.
Die Flanschies are a case sui generis. They rock, without fail you are caused to smile and you like to start to dance. And sometimes you are completely astonished by their funky songstructures and abrupt breaks. 2011 the trio has released its 3rd album called „FritzIsfrei“. Those, who associate anything with this title, are right on track.
Milan Greulich is the guy behind Rokotak, maybe known in Dresden for his guitar playing for bands like The Remedies, ne:o or more recently bergen. As you can hear on his until now unreleased song „Word On The Street“ Milan has got the blues and a keen sense of sounds and songwriting.
Speaking of blues: Disreali Gears or Fehlfarben? This question may be unanswered, but surely “Cave” by Milu is dazzling in these timbres while it is groovy pop in the same time. The Band’s first EP just has been released, which contains four more “true” songs.
All good things come in threes: „No More Daydreams“ by Shortcuts carries the blues as well. Tightly pressured by Nintendo-electronica, bold vocals and brutal-guitars. The band likes it versatile. Their just released album „Thanks, I Feel Fine“ is a real fabulous disorder.
P:HON play with ease and energy. Full of elegies, psychedelic and massively controlled are their songs. We present „Congealed Mind“ from their album „P:hon“ released in Mai 2010. Especially amazing have been the sextet’s live concerts. Sad, but true, have been- the band split up in December 2011.
And now? The subtraction of the outrageous! Minus-Monster are contradicting themselves with their own creative resources. The first piece fragile, the next two pieces impulsive- a high proof overdrive-concentrate with shy lights of pop among gloomy noise-melancholia. „Herzen“ from the 2011 released debut „For Monster’s Sake“ is the sum of these pieces.
Finally we take a sidetrip out of the city to Elektrik Farm, where it smells like rough folkrock. Their current album „Nuts“ sounds like Arizona and hearts of gold. The song „Spin“ builds bridges the band’s singer/songwriter-qualities and their cranky soft debut „Ode to William Nilliam“.
YUMMY, YUMMY, this stuff on DJUMMIx. Hoping for a second serving.
Greetzz Sven
Hey Sven, please don’t eat the files. They are for listening only.
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